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Choose Happiness

The last few months have forced me to do ALOT of self reflection and not everything I have seen about myself has been good. But the great thing is that I have a strong support system, the most amazing boyfriend and the happiest stepson to keep me laughing and smiling every single day!

Yes it will be a struggle every single day and YES I punish myself every day for any mistake I have made but in the end I am choosing happiness along with seeing my mistakes and doing all I can to learn from them and NEVER repeat them again. Many want to define others by their mistakes or bad points in their life and I do not agree with that at all. We are all humans and we all falter. Some more than others but we all do it. The level of severity will fluctuate between us all but we cannot go in the past and change anything. All we can control is ourselves in the here and now so that our future is bright.

I see a bright future for myself.

So yes, my future will be as bright as my clothes are today. Why? Because I am CHOOSING to be happy!

White Shirt: GAP
Jeans: H&M
Shoes: Shoe Dazzle (minji)
Sunnies: Beauty Supply Store
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